We all use soap everyday but a lot of people don’t have any idea of what to look for when purchasing high quality healthy soap.
All marketing research points to smell as the most important element for consumer purchase. The second is color and packaging. So the majority of consumers are buying soap that smells good and looks pretty but may be causing skin problems and accelerating the aging process.
If you’re really into taking good care of your skin, I’m going to share some information maybe your not aware of that hopefully will help you make better decisions when purchasing soap.
First what exactly is soap and how does it work to clean and disinfect your skin?
Soap is created when you mix sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide with triglycerides found in certain types of oils or fats. That creates a soap molecule that is sort of a fatty salt. And when that soap molecule comes into contact with water the fatty side hates water and the salty side likes water. That conflict is what creates the lathering effect.
For a soap to be effective in removing body excretions, dirt, toxic particles chemicals and un-wanted bacteria the most important element is reducing the surface tension of the water it comes into contact with.
The surface tension of water is the mechanism that allows a small insect to walk on water. When you lower that tension it allows more particles to become dissolved and causes bacteria to lose their grip making it easier for them to be removed from your skin.
The key to lowering surface tension is adding a substance with a strong negative electrical potential. The higher the negative potential the lower the surface tension.
Most organic substances have a negative electrical potential and inorganic elements have a positive potential. A good example of that is the Dead Sea.
The reason the Dead Sea kills virtually all biological life it comes into contact with (its called the dead sea for a reason) is the high level of inorganic minerals it contains, which increases the surface tension of the water to the point where people can float on it.
The clay we use in our soap and other products is the only deposit we know of that carries a profound negative electrical potential because all of the mineral elements are organic.
When added to our soap it creates an effect on the skin not found in any other soap on the market. It’s very cleansing while moisturizing and gently exfoliating. When you use soap with synthetic chemicals, fragrances, colors ect. You cause the surface tension of the water it comes into contact with to get so high that you destroy the power of the soap to remove toxins and bacteria from your skin.
The most important consideration concerning soap and bacteria is not necessarily killing them but removing them. Staphylococcus appears to be the most resistant to soaps. However getting the surface tension lowered enough will easily remove it. Soap can have anti bacterial properties if the ratio of oils is mixed properly.
Walker (1924, 1925, and 1926) found that oleate (olive oil) was effective against pneumococci and palmitate and stearate (palm and coconut oil) were effective with salmonella. Proper ratios of those oils can impart powerful natural anti bacterial properties to soap.
Now to discuss why adding goats milk to soap is not in our opinion a good ingredient. Dr. Donoghue. (Bettly and Donoghue 1960) proved that when soap made with substances with low molecular weight in particular caprylic acid which is an element in small amounts in coconut oil and massive amounts in goat’s milk.
What they found was that caprylic acid actually made the skin more permeable and could allow the substances you’re wanting washed off your skin to actually penetrate even allowing the toxins in the water you’re using to penetrate your skin.
Small amounts are fine. It is when that ratio of caprylic acid gets so increased by adding goat’s milk to soap that skin problems can manifest. Adding dyes, fragrances even essential oils to goats milk soap can make it even worse.
Most soaps being sold in the market place could be causing you more problems than benefit. Even the home crafted so called organic soaps. If they are not made with the above considerations, it’s our opinion you shouldn’t use them.
Most big brand companies are making alcohol based disinfectants as an alternative to using soap. Your skin has resident (good bacteria) and non-resident (bad bacteria) living on it.
Those products are like dropping atomic bombs on your skin. Sure they kill bacteria but at the price of destroying the delicate balance of your skin. A good soap will remove the bacteria but allow your beneficial bacterial to re-populate within a few hours. Finding good quality soap is one of the most important parts of any skin care routine. At Nature’s Skin and Body Food we have perfected a soap that has a near perfect ratio of oils and will lower the surface tension of water. Giving you the highest quality moisturizing soap ever developed. We invite you to check out our products at www.natures-skin-and-body-food.com
Wishing you great health and ageless beauty,